Organic v non-organic

A new study published in the British Journal of Nutrition shows organic milk and meat contain around 50% more beneficial omega-3 fatty acids than conventionally produced products. We welcome this report as it confirms what we at Calon Wen have always maintained about the health benefits of organic produce and in particular the role of  omega-3 fatty acids – as part of a balanced diet – in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The study led by Newcastle University and an international team of experts is the largest systematic review of its kind.

You can read the full report here

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Stay Home & BEE Busy

As part of our pasture pollinators program in conjunction with The Bumblebee Conservation Trust Scheme we thought it would BEE NICE to send out some wildflower seeds with all our home delivery parcels. Farmer and Calon Wen Director Dave Edge filmed his daughter, Nicole, as she planted some wildflower seeds in their garden. The idea

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Every Picture Tells A Story / Eich Stori Mewn llun

This was painted by Katie Moloney.  A friend of Heather Rogers she copied it from an image on the website.  What a great painting and a great idea.   If you live on a farm and  know someone who could paint a picture of your herd or any other aspect of life on your farm why

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Dai and Margaret’s visit to 10 Downing Street

As is now the tradition, the Prime Minister, David Cameron, hosted an event celebrating all things Welsh at 10 Downing Street on March 1st. Among the guests were Calon Wen’s very own Dai Miles and Margaret Oakley.  “It was really quite a treat” said Margaret.  “No 10 is amazing, as you would expect.  Guests were

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Calon Wen